
The aesthetic that emerges from the camaraderie of fire and earth, deemed worthy of a coronation-the art of Iznik tiles, used in architecture in every space, including kitchens, objects that have been transformed into the symbol of spiritual aesthetics and good taste.

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The aesthetic that emerges from the camaraderie of fire and earth, deemed worthy of a coronation-the art of Iznik tiles, used in architecture in every space, including kitchens, objects that have been transformed into the symbol of spiritual aesthetics and good taste. recognized and admired by the world over. The pride of our handicrafts, of our intangible cultural legacy, Iznik tiles continue to cast their spell over admirers, with brush strokes of its masters, with their decorations and unique stylized designs, matchless colors and exhibit pure workmanship and elegance.

With the colors that reflect mystic emotions, thoughts, imagination, technique, brightening not only the past but also our future, inspiring us, making us proud-this is our tribute to the masters of Iznik, to our artists, our designers.

This bowl, inspired by the wall tiles of the Bursa Green Mosque, has relief designs that are all decorated in gilt using glass paint, made of handmade emerald green glass, presented with the workmanship and mastery.

Provided by Sela Luxury store.